These define his life. No adventure everyday, no lurking dangers at every step...nothing like a movie seen or a story told.
What keeps it going are these daily chores and brick-a-brack.
Waking up to an irritating alarm,
Rushing through breakfast to get to work on time,
Complaining about life,
A romantic evening with his love,
And those regular fights over petty things...
And yet he goes satisfied and content to his bed at night.
Everyone despises him and yet...
They all carry a part of him.
He is the face to their harsh reality
The reality they try to dissolve...
In fake laughs of achievements,
Merry making,
And their adventures (so called).
But he enjoys it all
His every day is a struggle,
Like the great war...
A war against himself,
Day after day...going through the same routine
He wakes up to his monotonous life
Coz yet again its just another day...